Azure Testing 101
  • 21 Nov 2022
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Azure Testing 101

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Article Summary

When testing your Logic App when it is deployed to Azure you would use the nuget package IPB.LogicApp.Standard.Testing

This package is designed to allow you to provide information to connect to the Azure Management API and then it will provide a wrapper on the calls to the Logic App API to trigger logic apps and access the run history to make assertions.

To connect to Azure you will need a service principal with permission to access your logic app.
You need to use the class for the LogicAppTestManager to interact with your workflows and you can either create an instance of this yourself or via the LogicAppTestManagerBuilder.

The easiest way to create the LogicAppTestManager is to populate some settings as below in your appsettings.json

    "logicAppTestManager:LogicAppName":"[The name of the logic app]",
    "logicAppTestManager:ResourceGroupName":"[This is the resource group the logic app is deployed to]",
    "logicAppTestManager:SubscriptionId":"[Your azure subscription id]",
    "logicAppTestManager:TenantId":"[The azure ad tenant id]",
    "logicAppTestManager:ClientId":"[Service principal id]",
    "logicAppTestManager:ClientSecret":"[Service principal secret]"
Other Options

There are other options than reading the config out from the config file, you can create the test manager yourself with other secret options

You would run a line of code like below to create the test manager

var logicAppTestManager = LogicAppTestManagerBuilder.Build(workflowName);

You can now trigger your workflow with a call like below

var content = new StringContent(inputContent, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml");            
var response = logicAppTestManager.TriggerLogicAppWithPost(content);

You can then check you got a run id for the workflow instance and load the run history


Then we will load the workflow run history

You can check the trigger status like this

var triggerStatus = logicAppTestManager.GetTriggerStatus();
Assert.AreEqual(triggerStatus, TriggerStatus.Succeeded);

You can check the result of an action like this

var actionStatus = logicAppTestManager.GetActionStatus("Response");
Assert.AreEqual(actionStatus, ActionStatus.Succeeded);

You can check the result of the workflow like this

var workflowRunStatus = logicAppTestManager.GetWorkflowRunStatus();
Assert.AreEqual(WorkflowRunStatus.Succeeded, workflowRunStatus);

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