Roadmap Sessions from Integrate Summits
  • 07 Sep 2020
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Roadmap Sessions from Integrate Summits

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Article summary

This section will contain some resources from the Integrate summit to help you understand the Microsoft Roadmap

Integrate Summit Roadmap Sessions

The below items are videos from the integrate summit where Microsoft talk about their roadmap.

2020 Roadmap

BizTalk360--INTEGRATE 2020 Remote--What our integration roadmap means for you

2018 – The Microsoft Integration Platform

In this video Jon Fancey will articulate the current thinking from Microsoft around their Integration offering.

2. Jon Fancey Keynote - The Microsoft Integration Platform

Microsoft Integration Roadmap

In this video Jon Fancey and Matt Farmer will talk about the roadmap for Microsoft's integration architecture.

5. Jon Fancey & Matt Farmer - Microsoft Integration Roadmap

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