  • 04 Feb 2023
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Article summary

There are some limitations to be aware of when using the testing approach for Logic App Standard, these are discussed below.

Mocking non HTTP callsThe mocking for HTTP action calls is covered in the how to section, however if you are using a built in binding which calls over non HTTP then the test framework doesnt cover this.  You could add your own mock server listening on other ports (eg for AMQP or SQL) and return their response
Mocking cloud connectorsI have not yet been able to get this working.  With the cloud connectors it seems that the runtime url configuration is validated by the runtime before making the call.  I was hoping I could replace the runtime url to redirect the HTTP call from the workflow to the cloud connector to my mock host but the logic app runtime doesnt load up the configuration correctly if it doesnt have a valid configuration for the cloud connectors

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