Process Overview - Local Development
  • 18 Nov 2019
  • 1 Minute to read
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Process Overview - Local Development

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Article summary

In this section of this article I will cover how I was working with local development on my laptop. I have a Visual Studio solution which includes the following:

  • 1 x Function App using the function app template for C# and .net core
  • 1 x Logic App
  • 1 x Visual Studio project with files for APIM in them
  • 1 x Visual Studio SSDT project for SQL

The diagram below will show how on my local developer machine I will develop in Visual Studio the solution and I will have a process that uses Terraform, ARM and Powershell to configure an Azure Resource Group for my development. I will then use Visual Studio to deploy some code artifacts as I build.


The process I use is listed below:

  • Pre-reqs
  • Step 1 - Deploy Infrastructure
  • Step 2 - Setting up Function Keys
  • Step 3 - Making changes and deploying Function code
  • Step 4 - Making changes and deploying Logic App code
  • Step 5 - Making changes and deploying SQL Database
  • Step 6 - Making changes and deploying APIM
  • Step 7 - Adding and changing the infrastructure
  • More info on Terraform files

The additional pages in this section will cover each of these steps in more detail.

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