  • 05 Mar 2023
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Article summary

There are a number of different aspects of security which come into play for your Azure Integration Services Platform.  Below are some articles which will help.

Looking whats inside the token for Azure AD oauth, logic apps and APIM

Custom RBAC roles for Logic App Standard Testing

Accessing KeyVault Secrets from Logic Apps

Connecting Logic Apps to Key Vault with using  Vnet connectivity

Logic App Key Vault connector with managed identity

Blocking inbound IP Addresses with Logic Apps

Using Managed Identities to call EasyAuth enabled Logic Apps (Standard) Triggers

Enabling EasyAuth for Azure Logic Apps (Standard) HTTP Triggers

Securing Logic Apps Standard with Private Endpoints

Using Managed Identities to Connect to Blog Storage

Secure HTTP Triggers with Azure AD

Logic Apps, APIM, Azure AD, AppRoles and Terraform

Functions with Managed Identity Notes

Setting up managed identity permissions with terraform for a delegated api permission

Testing the WAF on your frontdoor with APIM - Part 1

Testing the WAF on your frontdoor with APIM - Part 2

APIM Developer Portal, Frontdoor and Azure AD Authentication

How to retrieve Azure Key Vault Secrets using Azure Functions (Part I)

How to retrieve Azure Key Vault Secrets using Azure Functions (Part II)

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