Support Users
  • 05 Mar 2023
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Support Users

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Article summary

As a support manager or support operator, one of the key things you will be thinking about is how to support your Azure Integration Services platform.

Below you will find some articles which will help and also some information about Serverless360 as this is one of the key areas we feel Serverless360 adds value on top of the Azure Integration Services to make a complete integration product.

Thinking about migrating from BizTalk to Azure Integration Services

Operations Perspective on Migrating from BizTalk to Microsoft iPaaS

Being Successful with Azure Integration Services

Future proof Azure Solutions with proactive monitoring

Monitoring a basic enterprise integration on Azure

Check which logic apps are disabled with azure resource graph

Monitoring Logic Apps with App Insights

Check for Broken Logic App Connections with Graph Explorer

How can I workout which Logic App uses which service bus queue

Using Serverless360 to improve the support of your integration platform

APIM and SL360 Endpoint Monitor

BAM and Flat files with Logic Apps and SL360

Using the Monitoring Calendar to reduce your support overhead

Integrating Log Analytics into Serverless360

Distributed Application Tracing on Invoice Processing Interfaces with Serverless360 BAM

App Insights health check with Serverless360

Get the best our of Azure Data Factory - Part 2

Get the best our of Azure Data Factory - Part 1

Logic App error handling using Serverless360

Redefine your Azure Support Strategy with shift left

Building a frictionless Azure support workflow

Management and Monitoring Hub for Azure Service Bus

Getting started with Azure API management health check

All about monitoring your Azure Functions

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